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AFCA Artists

Richard Alm

Richard Alm, AFCA

Nanoose Bay, BC

Amal (Moly) Rashed

Amal (Moly) Rashed, AFCA

New Westminster, BC

Moly is an oil painting artist, who is inspired by the nature around her, she has the passion to capture and reflect the beauty of light and colours in her paintings.
Yoshisuke Araki

Yoshisuke Araki, AFCA

North Vancouver, BC

Ed Araquel

Ed Araquel, AFCA

Victoria, BC

Trish Armstrong-Gibson

Trish Armstrong-Gibson, AFCA

Logan Lake, BC

Janet B. Armstrong

Janet B. Armstrong, AFCA

Calgary, AB

My passion for painting evolves from many subjects, in studio or outdoors with plein air painting. Inspiration is everywhere, for creating paintings that are unique, colourful, inviting to the viewer.
Yoko Asari

Yoko Asari, AFCA

Victoria, BC

Audrey Bakewell

Audrey Bakewell, AFCA

Surrey, BC

Enda Bardell

Enda Bardell, AFCA

Vancouver, BC

I paint what I love - landscapes and skyscapes in watercolour, outdoors on location or from reference photos from places I have explored. My watercolour work is about the feeling of having been there, recapturing the experience and rekindling the memory of a special place.
Kara Barkved

Kara Barkved, AFCA

Vernon, BC

Ilka Bauer

Ilka Bauer, AFCA

Victoria, BC

Lynda Baxter

Lynda Baxter, AFCA

Stettler, AB

Lynda Baxter is an Alberta artist, painting Alberta's landscape and skyscape using soft pastels. She's recently ventured off into another direction and is now painting fun cows and birds using her animal neighbours as her never-ending source of inspiration!
Heather Beaton

Heather Beaton, AFCA

Okotoks, AB

Heather Beaton is a Canadian landscape painter with a passion for nature’s colour harmonies. Her work has been exhibited in fine art galleries in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Ontario and British Columbia, and is featured in the book From Land and Sea.
Deanna Beaujot

Deanna Beaujot, AFCA

Calgary, AB

Kathy Bedard

Kathy Bedard, AFCA

Duncan, BC

Dina Belaia

Dina Belaia, AFCA

Toronto, ON

Toronto-based Dina Belaia uses dry media (graphite, pastel), occasionally opting for mixed media. She follows the school of Analytical Art whereby one draws the essence of things rather than the surface, leading the viewer to reflect on matters of inner life and the human condition.
Kit Bell

Kit Bell, AFCA

Kelowna, BC

Nature is forever changing and at different times offers us fleeting special looks into the world around us. Kit Bell wants to share what her trained artist’s eye, and imagination, sees with others. Working in a variety of media allows her to choose the best process for an image.
Tim Bennison

Tim Bennison, AFCA

North Vancouver, BC

Tim's subject matter includes landscapes, architecture and portraits. He loves the challenges and rewards of watercolours, using the light and transparency of the medium to capture a moment in time. Tim is a Signature member of the Federation of Canadian Artists.
Virginia Bergmann

Virginia Bergmann, AFCA

Annapolis Royal, NS

While visiting various stately homes around Toronto, or attending ballet in a turreted old Victorian, I would be suddenly captured by a dark, moody landscape and be lulled into a quiet respite by the serene, atmospheric, ethereal glow. My goal is for my paintings to evoke that same feeling.
Michael Beseau

Michael Beseau, AFCA

Victoria, BC

Chris Block

Chris Block, AFCA

New Westminster, BC

Sam L Boehner

Sam L Boehner, AFCA

Brentwood Bay, BC

Rick Bond

Rick Bond, AFCA

Coldstream, BC

Cynthia Bonesky

Cynthia Bonesky, AFCA

Port Alberni, BC

Barb Bowlsby

Barb Bowlsby, AFCA

vancouver, BC

Heather Boyle

Heather Boyle, AFCA

Surrey, BC

Trudy Broadley

Trudy Broadley, AFCA

Lantzville, BC

It is so exciting to think I can create something from scratch and have someone take it home and hang it in their home! How lucky am I?
Peggy Burkosky

Peggy Burkosky, AFCA

Qualicum Beach, BC

Since 1973 Peggy has received training to exhibit & instruct in commercial design & illustration in Vancouver Canada through Federation of Canadian Artists workshops, Fabriano in Aquarello International symposiums in Fabriano Italy, Canada, Mexico, Croatia, Japan and beyond.
Kathy Cameron

Kathy Cameron, AFCA

Victoria, BC

Christine Camilleri

Christine Camilleri, AFCA

Chilliwack, BC

Christine Camilleri's paintings are known for their bold colours, energetic marks and strong design. She works in oils, pastels and acrylics and paints sea, landscapes and wildlife. "Art is my happy place."
Wendy Carmichael  Bauld

Wendy Carmichael Bauld, AFCA

Burlington, ON

Wendy Carmichael Bauld is a seasoned portrait/still life artist based in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, exhibiting her work across Canada and internationally.
Lee-Anne Chan

Lee-Anne Chan, AFCA

Vancouver, BC

Alternative tools and techniques allow me to explore the nature of the paints. Their interactions and manipulations often lead to chaos: a necessary step in the process. From this chaos, more often than not, beauty rises triumphantly. The beauty of strength and fragility where one cannot exist without the other.
Doris Charest

Doris Charest, AFCA

St. Albert, AB

Nature and the world around her inspire Doris. Mixed media is Doris’ favorite form of painting. She loves exploring textures, shapes, and a more contemporary look. Art has become a voyage of discovery and she follows it to see where it will bring her.

Winson K Chiu, AFCA

Vancouver, BC

Winson Chiu, AFCA (, is an award-winning self-taught artist and visual arts educator from Hong Kong, with over 20 years of experience. He has been the founder of The 8th Dimension Comic studio in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada since 2003.
Atanas Chongarov

Atanas Chongarov, AFCA

Edmonton, AB

Claire Christinel

Claire Christinel, AFCA

Victoria, BC

Sally Clark

Sally Clark, AFCA

Vancouver, BC

Born in Vancouver, Sally Clark has been painting in oils since she was twelve. Her work has been in many FCA group shows, receiving four Honourable Mentions and 2nd Prize at the FCA POTE Exhibition in 2016. In 2017, Sally Clark was a Finalist for the Kingston Portrait Prize.
Marie-Christine Claveau

Marie-Christine Claveau, AFCA

Terrace, BC

She paints with acrylic. Her colourful work focus on the beauty of nature. it’s landscapes, flora and fauna. She’s had many solo exhibitions throughout Canada and often work in collaboration with other artists.
Margot Clayton

Margot Clayton, AFCA

North Saanich, BC

Birgit Coath

Birgit Coath, AFCA

Qualicum Beach, BC

Lucy Collings

Lucy Collings, AFCA

North Vancouver, BC

Mary Conley

Mary Conley, AFCA

Victoria, BC

Kimberley Cook

Kimberley Cook, AFCA

Artist Kimberley Cook creates breath-taking floral pieces using oil paints. Inspired by the ephemeral and pure beauty of fresh flowers and blossoms, her work leaves the viewer feeling grounded and peaceful. Her “White Peony Series” is a collection of original and fresh takes on floral art.
Lynden Cowan

Lynden Cowan, AFCA


Mark Cramer

Mark Cramer, AFCA

Victoria, BC

Jan Crawford

Jan Crawford, AFCA

Penticton, BC

Rick Cullis

Rick Cullis, AFCA

Niagara on the Lake, ON

Ron Czemeres

Ron Czemeres, AFCA

Calgary, AB

Veronica P Davies

Veronica P Davies, AFCA

Surrey, BC

Darlene Davis

Darlene Davis, AFCA

Victoria, BC