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Federation Gallery Artwork Search

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North Star
North Star
14x14in, C$235
Acrylic paint on canvas
14x14in, C$235
Acrylic paint on canvas
Good Fortune
Good Fortune
32x47in, C$950
Mixed media,oil,modelling paste,foam,glue
Kettle and Steam
Kettle and Steam
11x14in, C$250
Mixed media on wood panel
24x18in, C$700
Mixed media collage on canvas
20x16in, C$700
Mixed media collage on canvas
16x20in, C$600
Mixed media collage on canvas
Tools of Expression
Tools of Expression
12x9in, C$850
Oil on canvasboard
Fog in an Ancient City
Fog in an Ancient City
14x18in, C$400
Acrylics, tar gel, collage, pencils, oil pastels, glossy medium on cradled board
It's Mommy
It's Mommy
24x24in, C$3,000
Oils on Canvas
The Movement of the Moment
The Movement of the Moment
30x48in, C$5,200
Oil on Canvas
Heading for a sneaky pint
Heading for a sneaky pint
24x24in, C$2,500
Oil on Canvas
The Secret Place
The Secret Place
18x24in, C$1,800
Acrylic on wood
Play with me.
Play with me.
16x20in, C$550
Acrylic on Canvas
Hillside Gem
Hillside Gem
12x12in, C$200
Acrylic on Canvas
Fresh Flowers
Fresh Flowers
24x36in, C$860
Acrylic on Canvas
Magic Moment
Magic Moment
18x24in, C$430
Acrylic on Canvas
Maple Leaf Muse with Mittens
Maple Leaf Muse with Mittens
11x5x4in, C$1,200
Ceramic with Oils
The Amabassador's Gaze
The Amabassador's Gaze
18x8x9in, C$1,950
Utah Sunrise
Utah Sunrise
12x12in, C$1,500
Oil on Linen
Footloose in the Piazza
Footloose in the Piazza
18x14in, C$1,275
oil on canvas
36x30in, C$2,020
Mixed Watermedia on Birch Panel - (watercolour
pencils and crayons, wet graphite, coffee,
acrylic, gesso)
House of Kindness
House of Kindness
16.5x13in, C$297
Watercolour on Paper
Unseen Battle
Unseen Battle
15.5x11.5x0.4in, C$1,190
Relief Sculpture in Hydro-Stone
My chubby little pumpkins I
My chubby little pumpkins I
8.4x11in, C$400
Watercolour on Paper
Grape Expectations
Grape Expectations
14x11in, C$325
Acrylic on canvas
A Basket of Sunshine
A Basket of Sunshine
38x26in, C$3,500
Pastel on Paper
Night Howl
Night Howl
14x10in, C$750
Watercolor on Cotton Paper
"What Ed Nookemus Found"
"What Ed Nookemus Found"
28x30in, C$1,800
mixed media on canvas
Transformation I
Transformation I
13x9.5x9in, C$1,500
glazed ceramic
Atmospheric Entry
Atmospheric Entry
11x9x15in, C$1,600
Ceramic, gold leaf, pyrite, calcite
Nature Trail 5
Nature Trail 5
24x18in, C$500
Acrylic on canvas
Snowshoeing at Cypress Mountain
Snowshoeing at Cypress Mountain
30x24in, C$1,150
Acrylic on Canvas
Contemplative Stillness
Contemplative Stillness
10x30x2in, C$1,250
Oil on Canvas
Urban Glow
Urban Glow
16x12in, C$425
Acyrlic on canvas, mounted on wood
Shire Horse
Shire Horse
30x15in, C$1,800
Oil on Canvas
Shaken Not Stirred
Shaken Not Stirred
12x12in, C$425
Oil on cradled wood panel
Beware of Dog
Beware of Dog
24x12in, C$2,000
Oil on Canvas
Formalities II
Formalities II
13.75x14.5in, C$6,000
Assembled Wood, Paint, Stain, Wax Finish
Formalities I
Formalities I
13.75x14.5in, C$6,000
Assembled Wood, Paint, Stain, Wax Finish
Crowning Glory
Crowning Glory
10x8in, C$245
Oil on linen
Untitled #41
Untitled #41
30x30in, C$3,300
Acrylic on Canvas with EVA Foam
Untitled #42
Untitled #42
36x36in, C$4,200
Acrylic on Canvas
Untitled #44
Untitled #44
36x36in, C$4,200
Acrylic on Canvas with EVA Foam
Worker on a Break
Worker on a Break
34x27in, C$2,800
oil on canvas
20x20in, C$625
Acrylic paint, papers, charcoal, conte on canvas
A Juxtaposition
A Juxtaposition
24x36in, C$895
Papers, acrylic paint, conte on cradled board
A Story of Love
A Story of Love
20x20in, C$350
Mixed Media on canvas
Beauty in Winter
Beauty in Winter
24x18in, C$1,200
Oil on Cradle Board
Honeycomb Remnants
Honeycomb Remnants
20x16in, C$300
Mixed Media on canvas