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Collections of Artworks created by Federation of Canadian Artists Members

Current Exhibitions

Another Biker by Reha Sakar, SFCA

Current Exhibition

Reha Sakar

On this journey together by Debra Gow

Current Exhibition

2024 Abstracted Exhibition

This is our annual exhibition dedicated to abstract and semi-abstract art. In a visual explosion of colour, texture, lines and layers, artists explore the abstract realm with dynamic compositions.

Treasures by Barbara Cadario

Current Exhibition

The Curated Collection | June & July

Magic Moment by Angie Au Hemphill, SFCA

Current Exhibition

Donated Artwork

#836-Driftwood, Sointula by Stafford Plant

Current Online Exhibition

Stafford Plant Collection

The Federation graciously recognizes the generosity of Stafford Plant, leaving us a meaningful Legacy Gift containing hundreds of paintings for sale from his oeuvre. The FCA is honoured by his contribution to Canada’s art history and our organization.

Past Exhibitions

No. 6 Beacon Hall by Ed Araquel, AFCA

June 2024

Victoria: Summer Show

Tufted Puffin by Candy McManiman

June 2024

The 2024 Vancouver Salon

Let’s Meet Up by Karma Vance, AFCA

June 2024

Central Interior Chapter Connections: An Exploration of Human Interaction

Marble Magic by Susan Priest

June 2024

NOFCA Regional Show

Emotion Censor by Martin Murphy

June 2024

2024 - 365 Online Exhibition and Calendar Contest

up high by Jutta Kaiser, SFCA

Jutta Kaiser

Elk Island  - 5 by Cam Wilson

May 2024

Edmonton: Muse - An Inspired Exhibition

Moonshadow by Virginia Bergmann

2024 Landscapes Exhibition

Orange Glow by Agnes McDonald

May 2024

Peace River Chapter: Colours of the Peace - Subtle and Wild

Coming up! by Enrique Bravo

April 2024

2024 Annual International Mail-In Art Exhibition

What It's Like to Sail by Larry Tillyer, AFCA

Larry Tillyer

Lotus-scented Zen by Dayou Lu, AFCA

April 2024

2024 Success! - Spring

Robin's Patient Wait by Yuliya Alagir

April 2024

Calgary: Spring Art Show and Sale

Seeking Shade by Bruce Allardyce

April 2024

The Curated Collection | April & May

Soothing Shores by Sarah McComb-Turbitt

April 2024

2024 Online Federation Showcase

Orchid - Mauve #1 by Jan Poynter, AFCA

Jan Poynter

Minnie Lake by Harold Allanson, SFCA

March 2024

Arrowsmith FCA Spring Exhibition

Springtime! by Monique Jansen

March 2024

NOFCA Spring Show

Beached by Diane Bennett-Way

March 2024

South Okanagan: Beauty is in...

Quiet hydrangeas by Zhuo Chen

2024 Bloom

Laughing Statues by Ron Czemeres, AFCA

Ron Czemeres

Hymns to the Silence II by Andre Guyot

2024 Annual International Representational Exhibition

Storm Coming on the Prairies by Harvie Brydon AOCA, FCA

2024 Scenes From Canada

moongate, park & tilford gardens by Zenobia Turnbull

The Curated Collection | February & March