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Asma Burney

Surrey, British Columbia

Asma lives and creates art from Surrey, BC. She is a contemporary artist who paints in a variety of mediums that include watercolours, acrylics and mix media in which she makes use of collage, pen, pencils and oil pastels. She does both abstract and semi abstract work and as an admirer of the impressionist painters, her art occasionally reflects those influences as well. As a sensitive person, Asma's art can sometimes be political in an indirect way. Her abstract pieces are reflections of her feelings at the time but they are also an invitation for the viewers to find their own meaning in what they see.
I use paint to express myself. Art is my language that I use to welcome everyone into my world. I want people to speak to me through my art.

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Fog in an Ancient City
Fog in an Ancient City
14x18in, C$400
Acrylics, tar gel, collage, pencils,
oil pastels, glossy medium on cradled board
A Still Life
A Still Life
10x13in, C$200
Watercolours on Arches paper
15x12in, Sold
Watercolours on Arches paper
Ruins of an Old Fortress
Ruins of an Old Fortress
47.5x22.5in, C$1,200
Acrylics, collage,
pencils , pastels
A View of Rooftops and Pigeons
A View of Rooftops and Pigeons
10x10in, C$200
Acrylics and collage on
cradled board
Bluest of Blue
Bluest of Blue
10x13in, C$400
Acrylics on paper
A Fall Landscape
A Fall Landscape
9x12in, C$200
Watercolour on paper
9x12in, C$200
Watercolours on yupo paper
Welcome Fall
Welcome Fall
9x12in, C$200
Watercolour on paper
Arrival of Fall
Arrival of Fall
9x12in, C$200
Water colours on yupo paper
Beautiful Colours of Fall
Beautiful Colours of Fall
11.5x8.5in, C$200
Water colour on paper
12.5x9.5in, C$450
Acrylics and collage on
Bristol paper
12x13in, C$350
Acrylics, collage, pencils on
birch board
City of Saints
City of Saints
16x20in, C$500
Acrylics, collage, pencils on Cradled board
An Exotic City
An Exotic City
16x20in, C$500
Acrylics, collage, pencils on Cradled board
Wall Stories
Wall Stories
10x10in, C$200
Acrylics and Collage on
cradled board
Day is Done
Day is Done
10x10in, C$200
Mixed media on cradled board