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Lynda Baxter

Stettler, Alberta

In 1986, with two small children, Lynda had less time to
devote to painting and finally stopped all together, but the passion she
had for art never left her.

Over the years, she learned skills in SEO marketing, website development, project
management and content writing. In 1999 she formed her own company,
Art In Canada Inc.

Online marketing for other artists became her world. She missed
painting, but found she had no time to explore her own passion.

Fast forward 30 years, Lynda is making the time to paint in soft pastels! “creative people
need to create. It’s not enough to think about it and wish you had time, you have to make it a priority and ‘just do it’.
“The richness I achieve comes from nature, the source of my inspiration.” – Claude Monet

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Slick & Ted
Slick & Ted
12x16in, Not For Sale
Soft Pastels on Pastelmat
11x14in, Not For Sale
Soft Pastels on Sanded Paper
Marsh Beauty
Marsh Beauty
8x8in, C$385
Soft Pastels on Sanded Paper
Hiking at Big Springs Provincial Park
Hiking at Big Springs Provincial Park
8x5in, Sold
Soft Pastels on Pastelmat
9x12in, C$525
Soft Pastels on Pastelmat
The Locals
The Locals
11x14in, C$775
Soft Pastels on Pastelmat
Donalda Marsh
Donalda Marsh
12x9in, C$575
Soft Pastels on Sanded Paper
Police Outpost Provincial Park
Police Outpost Provincial Park
11x14in, Sold
Soft Pastels on Sanded Paper
Lower Stoney Creek
Lower Stoney Creek
9x7in, C$445
Soft Pastels on Art
Spectrum Sanded Paper
51st Street Claresholm
51st Street Claresholm
12x9in, C$395
Soft Pastels
River Walk
River Walk
10x8in, C$375
Soft Pastels
Police Outpost Provincial Park
Police Outpost Provincial Park
9x11in, C$395
Soft Pastels
Beaver Creek Road
Beaver Creek Road
15x8in, C$445
Soft Pastels
Big Sky Alberta
Big Sky Alberta
11x9in, C$395
Soft Pastels