Once Upon a Time in a Land Far Away" is a delicate watercolor painting capturing a poignant moment in time before the upheaval of war and my family's journey to Canada. In this light, high-key composition, my mother's face gently fades into a soft, ethereal background, symbolizing a time of innocence and peace. The subtle blending of colors creates a dreamlike quality, evoking the nostalgia of a distant past and the beauty of a life before a significant change.
Technique: | Watercolor on Paper |
Contents: | Face, Head, Person, Photography |
Edition: | Original, one of a kind artwork |
Framed Size: | 12in x 12in |
Unframed Size: | 7.5in x 7.5in |
Frame: | Framed |
Weight: | 1.5 kg |
Milena Guberinic
Ridgeway, Ontario
My art is deeply influenced by personal experiences of loss, emigration, and illness. Through the fluid spontaneity of watercolor, I explore emotion and impermanence, using the medium’s unpredictability to guide the narrative. My compositions are inspired by ikebana, conveying fragility and the beauty of what is broken and lost.
"Each day, I approach my work with deep gratitude, recognizing the privilege and ability to translate paint onto paper. The act of guiding color through flowing rivers and tumultuous streams of water, ultimately arriving at a narrative shaped by these elements, is both my greatest joy and artistic fulfillment."