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Andre Vaillant

Victoria, British Columbia

André Vaillant is a self-taught landscape painter, currently based in Victoria, British Columbia. As an avid hiker and outdoors-man, his work is primarily inspired by the rugged beauty of the Canadian wilderness and the many hiking trails found in Canada’s National and Provincial Parks. His paintings are defined by a tight and precise approach to modern impressionism which is accentuated by his angular style. His approach centers on the forms of a landscape and their interactions with atmospheric light while striving to capture and express the emotional quality this light evokes in the context of an environment. He focuses on mastery of his craft and the ability to visually communicate the emotional context of the remote landscapes that he visits.

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Solitary Fir - Flower Ridge
Solitary Fir - Flower Ridge
14x18x0.75in, C$995
Arcylic on Wood Panel
Reaching for the Light
Reaching for the Light
9x12in, Sold
Acrylic on Cradled Panel
Black Spruce in Winter
Black Spruce in Winter
12x9in, Sold
Acrylic on Cradled Panel
14x20in, C$1,500
Ink and Watercolour on paper