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Julie Poulin

Gloucester, Ontario

Julie uses her love of nature to paint on location, en plein air, during our 4 seasons. She is trained in the Atelier manner and uses pastel or oil to paint the feelings of the scene in an impressionistic manner. When not painting in plein air, Julie works in her studio. Her influences are Monet, Manet, Renoir, Cassatt and Sisley. An art teacher herself, Julie prides on the benefits of plein air painting through her founding of the Ottawa Plein Air Painters which currently has over over 70 members.
Mysterious, soft and moody.

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Winter River
Winter River
14x18in, C$700
Oil on canvas
Hog’s Back and Rideau
Hog’s Back and Rideau
8x10in, C$299
Pastel on paper
Toward The River
Toward The River
16x20in, Sold
pastel on paper
Monet Can You Hear Me?
Monet Can You Hear Me?
8x10in, C$350
Pastel on paper
12x12in, C$520
Pastel on paper
Imagine A Place
Imagine A Place
20x16in, C$699
Pastel on sanded paper
with watercolour underpainting