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Kathryn Ada Gibson

Port Moody, British Columbia

Kathryn’s artwork is about the qualities of light, atmosphere, colour and form, not always a specific place, person or thing. She describes herself as a markmaker, inspired by the challenge to create alternative ways to speak with others.

The light in her work may remind you of a time spent lying on a forest floor watching daylight filtering through autumn leaves. Or, a particular line or form reminiscent of the Rodin sculpture you saw in Paris. It may be the recognition of harmony in a painting that can exist between people within their natural and cultural surroundings.
I am a joyful mark maker inspired by the light of Turner, and the brush strokes of Monet.

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The Matriarch
The Matriarch
10.5x13.5in, C$425
Watercolour on Arches 400 Cold Press
Beauty in the Mundane
Beauty in the Mundane
12x16in, C$395
Acrylic on Canvas, Framed
In the Garden
In the Garden
24.5x31in, C$1,200
Watercolour on Archers 300 lb, Framed
Ice Stream
Ice Stream
24x24in, C$1,500
Oil on Canvas
36x48in, C$3,000
Mixed Medium on Canvas
He Said She Said
He Said She Said
36x40in, C$3,000
Oil on Canvas