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Patricia M. Mansell

Nanaimo, British Columbia

Born in Kent, England, Patricia moved to Canada in 1981 and resided for many years in Alberta. She now lives in Nanaimo, BC.

She has a special interest in painting endangered wildlife. Often something unique about the animal will inspire a painting. She develops her paintings from research and photographing animals in the wild and enjoys bringing out each animal’s character.

Patricia was Ducks Unlimited Sponsor Print Artist for Alberta in 2011 and is a Signature Member of Artists for Conservation.
“One of the strengths of wildlife art is its ability to tell stories. In my paintings I try to bring out the individuality of each animal as it goes about its everyday life - I use my brush to tell their stories."

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Man of the Rainforest
Man of the Rainforest
24x24in, C$1,730
Acrylic on Canvas
Nature's Engineer
Nature's Engineer
18x24in, C$1,295
Acrylic on Canvas
NEST - Hummbingbird
NEST - Hummbingbird
12x12in, C$300
Acrylic on Canvas
BALANCED - Red Winged Blackbird
BALANCED - Red Winged Blackbird
12x12in, C$300
Acrylic on Canvas
Quiet Intensity - cougar
Quiet Intensity - cougar
12x12in, C$300
Acrylic on Canvas
Forbidden Fruit (Black Bears)
Forbidden Fruit (Black Bears)
29x19in, C$1,710
Acrylic on Canvas
Ghost of the Mountains (Snow Leopard)
Ghost of the Mountains (Snow Leopard)
15x30in, C$1,350
Acrylic on Canvas
Pelican Bay (Pacific Brown Pelicans)
Pelican Bay (Pacific Brown Pelicans)
18x24in, C$1,295
Acrylic on Canvas
Harbour Lights (Harbour Seal)
Harbour Lights (Harbour Seal)
18x24in, C$1,295
Acrylic on Canvas
Eagle Spirit (Bald Eagle)
Eagle Spirit (Bald Eagle)
30x24in, C$2,160
Acrylic on Canvas
Cinnamon Wings (Barn Owl)
Cinnamon Wings (Barn Owl)
18x24in, C$1,295
Acrylic on Canvas
Alpha Pair
Alpha Pair
24x36in, C$2,590
Acrylic on Canvas
Wingbeats (Trumpeter Swans)
Wingbeats (Trumpeter Swans)
12x36in, C$1,730
Acrylic on Canvas
River's Edge (River Otters)
River's Edge (River Otters)
18x24in, C$1,730
Acrylic on Canvas
The Lookout (Bald Eagles)
The Lookout (Bald Eagles)
30x15in, C$1,350
Acrylic on Canvas
Blackberry Patch (Raccoon)
Blackberry Patch (Raccoon)
24x18in, C$1,730
Acrylic on Canvas
Shades of Blue (Great Blue Heron)
Shades of Blue (Great Blue Heron)
14x28in, Sold
Acrylic on Canvas
Shadow Play (Peregrine Falcon)
Shadow Play (Peregrine Falcon)
24x18in, C$1,295
Acrylic on Canvas
Duet in White (White Pelicans)
Duet in White (White Pelicans)
16x20in, Sold
Acrylic on Canvas
Into The Blue (Belted Kingfisher)
Into The Blue (Belted Kingfisher)
24x36in, Sold
Acrylic on Birch Panel
Skyward (Harris Hawk)
Skyward (Harris Hawk)
24x30in, C$2,880
Acrylic on Canvas
Taking Flight (Canada Goose)
Taking Flight (Canada Goose)
15x30in, C$1,350
Acrylic on Canvas
Quiet Intensity (Cougar)
Quiet Intensity (Cougar)
15x30in, Sold
Acrylic on Canvas
Shoreline Chorus (Steller Sea Lions)
Shoreline Chorus (Steller Sea Lions)
30x45in, C$4,050
Acrylic on Canvas