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Marika Morissette

Burnaby, British Columbia

Marika is a visual artist specializing in acrylic pour paintings. Her creations are unique and intriguing, going deep into the space of creativity and hopefulness. Marika finds pour painting to be incredibly freeing since she literally gets to “go with the flow.” She sets the emotional tone for each piece by choosing colours and techniques, and then lets the direction reveal itself through the visual transformation that takes place organically.

Using silicone oil as an additive to create stunning, bright cells in her creations, Marika experiments with different approaches including blowing, dirty cup pours, bottle-bottom pours, balloon-kisses and the swipe method. She feels exhilarated as she torches over her paintings, anticipating the gorgeous cells that she intuitively knows will appear.
It is my hope that people will experience an emotional connection to my work, and that they will find the vivid, energizing colours to be uplifting and stimulate optimism.

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Blue Depths
Blue Depths
30x15in, C$450
Acrylic on Deep
Stretched Canvas
Source of Life
Source of Life
12x24in, C$425
Acrylic with Resin on Stretched Canvas
Birch Wonderland
Birch Wonderland
12x12in, Not For Sale
Acrylic on Deep Cradled Birch Panel
Chromatic Flow
Chromatic Flow
10x10in, C$250
Acrylic with Resin on Deep
Stretched Canvas
Colour Cascade
Colour Cascade
10x10in, C$250
Acrylic with Resin on Deep
Stretched Canvas
24x32in, C$550
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
Unbound Vitality
Unbound Vitality
20x24in, C$450
Acrylic on Deep Stretched Canvas
Enchanted Forest
Enchanted Forest
20x24in, Not For Sale
Acrylic on Deep Stretched Canvas
15x30in, C$500
Acrylic on Deep Stretched Canvas
Birch Whispers
Birch Whispers
12x12in, Sold
Acrylic on Deep Cradled Birch Panel
20x20in, Sold
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
Intense Impact
Intense Impact
30x15in, C$500
Acrylic on Deep
Stretched Canvas
Sweet Surrender
Sweet Surrender
12x36in, C$500
Acrylic on Deep Stretched Canvas
Sea of Love
Sea of Love
23.5x31.5in, C$600
Acrylic on Deep Stretched Canvas
Layers of Depth
Layers of Depth
36x12in, Sold
Acrylic with Resin on
Deep Stretched Canvas
Misty Waters
Misty Waters
20x20in, C$425
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
Wind Storm
Wind Storm
14x14in, Sold
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
Primary Pulse
Primary Pulse
14x14in, C$350
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
Heightened Senses
Heightened Senses
20x20in, Sold
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
12x12in, C$250
Acrylic with Resin on Cradled
Birch Panel
12x12in, Sold
Acrylic with Resin on Cradled
Birch Panel
Pearls of Wisdom
Pearls of Wisdom
12x12in, Sold
Acrylic with Resin on Deep
Stretched Canvas
12x12in, Sold
Acrylic with Resin on Deep
Cradled Birch Panel
Heron Dreamscape
Heron Dreamscape
19.7x39.4in, C$650
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
Radical Riptides
Radical Riptides
19.7x39.4in, Not For Sale
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
16x20in, Not For Sale
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
12x24in, C$425
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
Golden Buddha
Golden Buddha
14x14in, C$350
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
10x20in, Sold
Acrylic on Stretched Canvas