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Margaret Chow-Loo

Vancouver, British Columbia

Margaret Chow-Loo is a retired CPA, CGA as of 2019 and she started painting in 2020, first in watercolour and later in acrylic. She taught herself to paint in acrylic on canvas and canvas panels. She has painted different subjects, including crocuses in spring, a peace garden of Texas, and various landscapes and seascapes of B.C. and Washington State. She looks for the beauty of patterns, shapes and colours in nature and other subjects, and how light, proximity and movement change them. She strives to have the viewer experience such beauty, and a sense of calm and joy in her paintings. She joined the FCA as a supporting member in November 2020 and received her active status in January 2023.
As a visual artist, when you see beauty in nature or anything, it is worth capturing it with paint and canvas. It is my hope that the viewer of my painting will experience such beauty and a sense of calm and joy in the painting.

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Nature Trail 5
Nature Trail 5
24x18in, C$500
Acrylic on canvas
Nature Trail 4
Nature Trail 4
18x24in, C$500
Acrylic on canvas
Red and Green Complementary Poppy
Red and Green Complementary Poppy
10x10in, C$200
Acrylic on canvas
Water of Life
Water of Life
18x24in, C$500
Acrylic on canvas
Urban Wetland, Olympic Village
Urban Wetland, Olympic Village
16x20x1.5in, C$350
Acrylic on canvas
Bromeliad Jewelry Box
Bromeliad Jewelry Box
10x10x1.5in, C$200
Acrylic on canvas
Anthurium Hearts' Content
Anthurium Hearts' Content
10x10x1.5in, C$200
Acrylic on canvas
Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta, B.C.
Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta, B.C.
18x24x1.5in, Sold
Acrylic on canvas
Sandhill Crane Pose
Sandhill Crane Pose
20x20x1.5in, C$450
Acrylic on canvas
Race Rocks Lighthouse
Race Rocks Lighthouse
16x20x0.63in, C$325
Acrylic on canvas
Nature Trail 3
Nature Trail 3
10x10x1.5in, C$200
Acrylic on canvas
Lakeside Reflections 1
Lakeside Reflections 1
18x24x1.5in, C$500
Acrylic on canvas
Nature Trail 2
Nature Trail 2
10x10x1.5in, C$200
Acrylic on canvas
18x24x0.63in, Sold
Acrylic on canvas