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Yuliya Alagir

Calgary, Alberta

Yuliya Alagir, known professionally as Alagir, was born in Tashkent, Central Asia.

From an early age, Alagir demonstrated innate artistic talent. She is a self-taught artist whose skills were developed by visiting art galleries and using those experiences to create original techniques and perspectives. Alagir’s creations reflect a broad variety of artistic media, including oils and acrylics on canvas, watercolor, murals, frescoes, jewelry-making and three-dimensional pieces. In 2019, Alagir moved to Calgary, Alberta, Canada where she currently resides.

Alagir has been recognized in the fields of Contemporary Art. Conceptual Symbolism. Her palette is innovative and complex. She layers many colors to create a three-dimensional effect, and her paintings present themselves with a different color scheme under different lighting conditions.
True Art is Art to BE Yourself!

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Glimpse of Winter's Approach
Glimpse of Winter's Approach
24x36x1.5in, C$5,000
Canvas, Acrylics
Enigmatic Exploration
Enigmatic Exploration
24x36x1.5in, C$4,000
Acrylic, plaster, canvas
Surf Up
Surf Up
8x12in, C$1,000
Robin's Patient Wait
Robin's Patient Wait
24x36x1.5in, C$7,000
Acrylic, canvas
Rocky's Symphony
Rocky's Symphony
16x12x0.5in, C$1,500
Reflection of Grandeur
Reflection of Grandeur
24x36x1.5in, Not For Sale
Acrylic on Canvas
Tranquil Majesty
Tranquil Majesty
17.5x11.5x5in, C$3,500
Spring Yearning
Spring Yearning
24x36in, C$23,000
Acrylic on Canvas
Nestsite Selection by Loons
Nestsite Selection by Loons
14x12in, C$2,000
Watercolor, Flax Watercolor Paper
Woodpecker sound in the morning
Woodpecker sound in the morning
11.5x12x0.75in, C$3,000
Watercolor Paper, watercolor paint.
24x36in, Sold
acrylic, canvas
18x24in, C$2,000
acrylic, canvas
Embracing Emotions
Embracing Emotions
18x24in, C$4,000
acrylic, canvas
Tinges of Fall
Tinges of Fall
18x24x1in, C$4,500
Canvas, calico, modeling paste, acrylic
Morning Bliss
Morning Bliss
18x24x0.5in, C$3,500
Acrylic, plaster on Canvas