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Katherine MacNeill

Oliver, British Columbia

Katherine MacNeill is a paper collage artist living in the South Okanagan, using recycled paper from old calendars, used magazines and donated books to create wilderness landscapes of the Northwest of the continent. Born in northern Vancouver Island and proud of her First Nations heritage, she hopes to remind viewers that mankind is part of the lands and part of the waters, and crucial in sustaining our natural environment.
Since retirement and discovering collage-making in 2015, she has won a Juror’s Award at SSNAP and been a featured artist on PBS Spokane’s “Northwest Profiles”.
I derive so much energy and joy from our natural chaotic and effusive environment and want future generations to have that same resource. I also love building my collages!

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Tombstone Mountain, Dempster Highway
Tombstone Mountain, Dempster Highway
24x12in, Sold
Paper collage, Neutral Ph Adhesive
on wood panel
Beavers Build Wetlands
Beavers Build Wetlands
24x48in, Sold
Paper collage, Neutral Ph Adhesive on wood panel
Sumallo River -Highway 3
Sumallo River -Highway 3
24x36in, Sold
Paper Collage
Similkameen Valley -Highway 3
Similkameen Valley -Highway 3
24x36in, C$2,100
Paper Collage
Fraser Bar
Fraser Bar
9x12x1in, C$500
Mixed Media
Awestruck at Ghost Lake Spillway
Awestruck at Ghost Lake Spillway
30x24in, Sold
Mixed Media
Sumallo River -Highway 3
Sumallo River -Highway 3
24x36in, Sold
Paper Collage
High Country, North of Stewart, BC
High Country, North of Stewart, BC
18x24in, C$1,300
Mixed Media -paper collage