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Heather MacNeil

Victoria, British Columbia

Although Heather's paintings are mostly abstract, she finds inspiration in nature and the interplay of colours and shapes of objects in her environment. She has explored working in oils, watercolours, mixed media and acrylics with her paintings ranging from representational to abstract. Currently, she is focusing on abstract compositions using acrylics and experimenting with some mixed media. She often incorporates vibrant colours, bold brushwork and gestural marks in her work expressing a sense of freedom and spontaneity. Heather has always been drawn to the expressive and healing components of art and the creative process.

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The Journey
The Journey
36x24in, C$1,500
acrylic on canvas
Joyful Expanse
Joyful Expanse
30x24in, C$1,250
acrylic and pencil on canvas
The Gift
The Gift
24x30in, C$1,350
acrylic and pencil on canvas
The Dance of Letting Go
The Dance of Letting Go
36x24in, C$1,500
acrylic and pencil on canvas
Nature's Inspiration
Nature's Inspiration
24x24in, C$1,150
acrylic and pencil on canvas
A Light-filled Day
A Light-filled Day
16x16in, C$485
acrylic on canvas
In the Moment
In the Moment
30x30in, C$1,500
mixed media on canvas with
acrylic and pencil
Vibrant Dance
Vibrant Dance
20x20in, C$750
mixed media on canvas
The Journey
The Journey
36x24in, C$1,500
acrylic on canvas
Keep Dancing
Keep Dancing
16x16in, C$485
mixed media on canvas
It's a wrap
It's a wrap
20x20in, C$750
acrylic on canvas
Sea Breeze
Sea Breeze
12x12in, C$285
acrylic on canvas
12x12in, C$285
acrylic on canvas
Rhythmic Flow
Rhythmic Flow
24x24in, C$980
acrylic on canvas
New Opportunities
New Opportunities
30x30in, C$1,500
mixed media on canvas
The Joy of Intricate Flow
The Joy of Intricate Flow
48x36in, C$2,800
acrylic on canvas
New Dawn
New Dawn
12x12in, C$285
acrylic on wood panel
Earthly Delight 1
Earthly Delight 1
12x12in, C$285
mixed media on wood panel
Breathing in the Beauty
Breathing in the Beauty
24x36in, C$1,500
acrylic on canvas
24x18in, C$750
acrylic on canvas
Night and Day
Night and Day
24x24in, Sold
acrylic on canvas
Happiness Now
Happiness Now
20x16in, C$575
acrylic on canvas
Dance of Joy
Dance of Joy
20x16in, Sold
acrylic on canvas
New Beginning
New Beginning
20x20in, Sold
acrylic on canvas
18x24in, C$750
acrylic on canvas
30x24in, C$1,250
acrylic on canvas
New Story
New Story
20x16in, C$585
mixed media on canvas
24x18in, C$750
acrylic on canvas
Coming To The Surface
Coming To The Surface
24x24in, C$1,150
acrylic on canvas
30x24in, C$1,250
acrylic on canvas
Release and Renew
Release and Renew
36x24in, C$1,500
acrylic on canvas
24x20in, C$750
acrylic on canvas
Warm Embrace
Warm Embrace
24x24in, Not For Sale
acrylic on canvas
Now Playing
Now Playing
36x36in, Not For Sale
acrylic on canvas
A Beautiful Day
A Beautiful Day
24x36in, C$1,500
acrylic on canvas
New Dimension
New Dimension
30x24in, C$1,200
acrylic on canvas
24x20in, Not For Sale
Nature Walk
Nature Walk
15.5x4.5in, C$375
36x35.8in, C$2,100
acrylic on canvas