Not For Sale
This beautiful,flagrant bouquet of roses and lilies,placed in a vase with love, will always be fresh and vibrant in this oil painting.
Technique: | Oil on Canvas |
Styles: | Fine Art, Realism |
Contents: | Flower, Plant, Graphics, Pattern, Rose, Dahlia, Bouquet, Nature, Floral |
Edition: | Original, one of a kind artwork |
Framed Size: | 30in x 30in |
Unframed Size: | 30in x 30in |
Frame: | Framed |
Weight: | 2.5 kg |
Tatiana Chelea
vancouver, British Columbia
Tatiana Chelea is an European Artist, based in Vancouver. As a child Tatiana was captivated with drawing, but few a years ago she developed a strong passion for medium of oil and acrylic.
With her art she wants to bring light, warmth and liveliness to the world.
"I believe that our life is an adventure and there is an abundance of inspiration all around us. I love to create paintings full of happiness and vibrant energy."