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Lisa Farrell

Vancouver, British Columbia

Lisa Farrell is an abstract mixed media artist in Vancouver. She works intuitively with many materials in multiple layers, adding then subtracting by scraping, scratching and sanding back into the surface revealing the history below. She alternates between this intuitive, free play and a more critical approach where she analyses the design and composition, fine tuning the overall appearance. She builds up each piece over time, continuing to add layers with acrylic paint, pencil, markers, collage, and pouring mediums until the final piece reveals itself. She strives to achieve paintings that catch your eye from a distance and invite you to take a closer look to reveal the fine detail and texture up close.
I have always been an artist, I just spent the last 30 years doing other things.

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Roses and Silver Linings
Roses and Silver Linings
11x14in, C$300
acrylic, collage, colour
pencil, china marker,
pencil on paper
Flavours of Life
Flavours of Life
11x14in, C$300
acrylic, collage,
graphite, pencil, wax
crayon on paper
Above the Reeds
Above the Reeds
11x14in, Sold
acrylic, collage, china
marker, colour pencil on paper
Spectrum of Beauty
Spectrum of Beauty
10x10in, C$420
acrylic, collage, pencil,
marker, wax crayon and cold
wax on board with natural oak frame
Race Among the Ruins
Race Among the Ruins
24x24in, C$1,300
acrylic, collage, pencil, wax
crayon, marker and cold wax
on canvas with natural oak frame
You Don't Know the New Me, I Put Back My Pieces Differently
You Don't Know the New Me, I Put Back My Pieces Differently
42x42in, C$3,070
acrylic, collage, marker, pencil, gel pen, wax crayon &
cold wax on canvas
Uneasy Balance
Uneasy Balance
13.5x10.5in, C$300
acrylic, collage, pencil
and wax crayon on paper
The Aerialist
The Aerialist
13.5x10.5in, C$300
acrylic, collage, pencil
and wax crayon on paper
Kite Flamboyance
Kite Flamboyance
13.5x10.5in, C$300
acrylic, collage, pencil
and wax crayon on paper
Lean In
Lean In
13.5x10.5in, Sold
acrylic, collage,
pencil, wax crayon on paper
Eye of the Beholder
Eye of the Beholder
10x10in, C$420
Acrylic, graphite, wax
crayon, marker, coloured
pencils, medium, collage, and
Make It Happen
Make It Happen
24x24in, C$1,100
Acrylic, collage, marker,
graphite, wax crayon, medium
and cold wax on wood
She Knew In Her Mind
She Knew In Her Mind
36x36in, C$2,290
Acrylic, collage, medium and
cold wax on canvas