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Lisa Dautremont

Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Lisa is drawn to create a painting from her own life experience in which the moment creates an emotion of awe and wonder at the scene beheld. This may be inspired by varying subjects from people to landscape to interesting objects of beautiful colour, shape, or form.
Painting in a representational style, she loves the interplay of light and colour, sharp lines and soft lines, and warmth and coolness. Oil is her favourite medium, allowing her to paint thin transparent layers or thick expressive marks. She both adds and removes paint using brush, palette knife, paper towel, plastic card, and even her fingers sometimes scraping the paint back down.
“When I paint, I can be drawn into a place that lets me just be, where creation is so much bigger than myself. It reminds me of what an amazing Creator we have.”

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Days Gone By
Days Gone By
20x20x1.5in, C$1,200
Green Gables
Green Gables
12x12x1.5in, C$350
Catch Me If You Can
Catch Me If You Can
12x16in, C$575
Side By Side
Side By Side
11x14x1.5in, C$375
12x12x1.5in, C$350
Twilight Approaching
Twilight Approaching
20x32in, C$1,800
Oil on Gallery Stretched Linen
To Greener Pastures
To Greener Pastures
16x20in, C$900
Oil on canvas covered board
Prairie Kings
Prairie Kings
18x24in, C$1,275
Oil on cradled panel