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Angela Muellers

Brackendale, British Columbia

Angela’s Grandfather introduced her to oil painting as a child which influenced and inspired her. Although completing four years in an Abstract based school, she returned to realism. Painting natural forms and the effects of light, while observing compositional elements are what excites her passion for painting. Landscape and Portraiture are Angela’s primary focus. Angela has taught the French Academic Program part time for five years. Angela has spent years climbing, hiking, and skiing in wild places.
Graduate of the Victoria College of Art. Completed a four-year part-time program at the Vancouver Academy of Art, and a four-year full-time program at a French Academy based private school in Toronto and onlines studies through the Angel Academy Florence.
Painting is a journey where much planning is worked out to create an intended theme, emotion. The magic happens along the process - I often arrive at unintended destinations.

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Collection: Sea 2 Sky Landscapes

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Utah Sunrise
Utah Sunrise
12x12in, C$1,500
Oil on Linen
Italian Lady
Italian Lady
16x12in, C$2,200
Oil on panel
View from Mystery Peak of the Salmon Group, Birkenhead Park
View from Mystery Peak of the Salmon Group, Birkenhead Park
12x18in, C$1,600
Oil on Linen
Male Contrapposto
Male Contrapposto
22x15in, Not For Sale
Oil on Linen
The Guide
The Guide
30x24in, C$7,000
Oil on panel
High Tide Squamish Estuary
High Tide Squamish Estuary
16x12in, C$2,500
Oil on panel
The Empress
The Empress
28x20in, Not For Sale
Oil on Linen