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Carine Génadry

Saint-Calixte, Quebec

Nature is for me an endless source of wonder and inspiration, where fauna and flora inhabit my paintings.
My creative process immediately starts while I am outdoors, choosing and collecting wild plants in the forest. That moment sharpens my consciousness over the miracle of life, brings me inspiration, and allows me to get my raw materials. After collecting the plants, I handprint them with a gel printing plate and acrylic paints to create monotypes on paper. This technique captures the plants marks in a permanent way, while using flora as an impermanent natural form.
Moreover, nature’s connection to the living world is my main theme where I explore synergy between all living beings that compose a larger whole.

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Accrochée au reste du monde
Accrochée au reste du monde
16x12in, C$310
Botanical Handprinted Monotypes
in Acrylic Paint on Paper
Collaged on Wood Pannel
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Plonger dans l'instant
36x24in, Not For Sale
Botanical handprinted
monotypes in acrylic paint
on paper collaged on wood pannel