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Tanha Binte Azam

Vancouver, British Columbia

Tanha Binte Azam (she/her) is an artist born and raised in Bangladesh. As she travels, she sees herself as a cultural link, carrying her culture and adapting to a new one while embodying interconnectedness. However, the mix of cultural cues often overlaps and reshapes her thinking as she decolonizes herself and settles into a new location. This generates questions for the artist as to how she wants to be identified. Themes such as these are continuously reflected in her work, which is often characterized by a sense of tension, a state of confusion and awkwardness, and raising certain questions that the artist may be in search of the answers to.

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Sweet Symphony II
Sweet Symphony II
10x8in, C$500
Acrylic on Canvas
8x10in, C$400
Acrylic on Canvas
Women Picking Tea Leaves, Bangladesh
Women Picking Tea Leaves, Bangladesh
10x8in, C$200
Acrylic on canvas panel
Peonies in My Tote
Peonies in My Tote
12x9in, C$420
Acrylic on canvas
The Path to Unknown
The Path to Unknown
14x11in, C$620
Acrylic on canvas
Sweet Symphony
Sweet Symphony
10x8in, Sold
Acrylic on canvas