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Elizabeth Jensen

Vancouver, British Columbia

Elizabeth Jensen is constantly inspired by the beauty of nature in all its permutations: plants, rocks, forest, water, mountains which all show up in her paintings.

Always curious about her surroundings, the geology and plant life of every place she goes to, she sees the importance of the smallest details and asks, "How do I respond to this place at its most basic level?"

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Flamenco Rose
Flamenco Rose
49x30.5in, C$1,200
Acrylic, watercolour
paper collage, modelling
paste on Masonite
Waterlily Pads at the Lagoons
Waterlily Pads at the Lagoons
16x12in, C$400
Acrylic on watercolour paper
mounted on wood panel
Botany Bay Rock Formation
Botany Bay Rock Formation
10x10in, C$275
Acrylic, sand, broken auto
glass on wood panel
Pond at Queen Elizabeth Park
Pond at Queen Elizabeth Park
10x10in, C$225
Acrylic on wood panel
Salmon Swimming Upstream
Salmon Swimming Upstream
30x22in, C$750
Watercolour on paper