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Jason Doucette

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Doucette started painting in 2003 and has been developing his skills ever since. Originally a 3D artist, Jason gives a sense of realism to his paintings by utilizing his knowledge of lighting and depth. Also inspired by the works of Monet, Jason lets the viewer's imagination fill in some of the gaps of the painting and loves to play with aspects of the painting being at the very edge of perception.

Primarily focusing on wildlife, Jason paints in both watercolour and oil. He paints in a realistic style while maintaining a painterly effect; Jason's paintings give an intimate look into animals' secretive and stoic lives.
Primarily focusing on wildlife, Jason paints in both watercolour and oil.
As I create a painting I am intimately focused on the subject. Once it's complete and goes out into the world a piece of myself leaves with it, like saying goodbye to an old friend.

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Ready To Pounce
Ready To Pounce
14x18in, C$900
oil on Canvas
Her Favourite - Bald Eagle
Her Favourite - Bald Eagle
24x18in, Sold
Oil on canvas
Northern Caracara
Northern Caracara
30x24in, C$1,656
Oil on canvas
Sun's Warmth - Big Horn Sheep
Sun's Warmth - Big Horn Sheep
24x30x1.5in, C$2,048
Oil on canvas
Avocets in Motion
Avocets in Motion
24x18in, C$1,400
watercolor on paper