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Brenda Hughes

Parksville, British Columbia

Brenda has come back to Art after not doing any since High School, a brief period of unemployment after moving lead her to spending time practicing drawing with coloured pencils and later pastel pencils. Learning all the techniques from tutorials and conversations online from Artists all over the world.
May 2023, Brenda retired from her day job to do art fulltime and has joined the local art community. She has entered two juried shows and won a Jurors Choice in her first show and sold a piece in her second show.
She resides in Parksville, BC with her husband and furry companion Bella.
When the eyes show you soul, you know you've captured the magic!

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The Fly
The Fly
12x12in, C$300
Mixed Media (WaterColour
Pencils, Coloured Pencils, on
Fabriano WaterColour Paper,
The Tree
The Tree
12x12in, C$300
Mixed Media (WaterColour
Pencils, Coloured Pencils,
Fabriano WCPaper, Cold Wax.
Charlie Imbibes
Charlie Imbibes
9x12in, C$500
Coloured pencils, pan pastels on Uart 600