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Hanna Bordewijk

RAPID CITY, Manitoba

Hanna Bordewijk was born in a creative and entrepreneurial family in The Netherlands.
Initially Hanna became a physiotherapist until in 1995 on a holiday with her friends in Turkey, tragedy struck. She had been assaulted, raped, and left in a coma. Permanent visible and invisible injuries ended her career in physiotherapy.
In 2002 Hanna started afresh in Canada with a business in retail and in 2017 started drawing and painting after being diagnosed with Lupus.
Since, Hanna has been able to explore and expand on her artistic talents with a focus on portraits. Using the darkness, she is seen in the past, to create beautifully vivid pieces of art for her clientele.
Bringing color and happiness with each portrait.

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and Dog
and Dog
10x10x1.5in, C$200
oil over acrylic and Posca
markers on gallery style wood panel
10x10x1.5in, C$200
oil over acrylic and Posca
markers on gallery style wood panel.
Brian at the Queens Bar
Brian at the Queens Bar
24x20x1.5in, C$795
oil over acrylic and
Posca markers on gallery
wrapped canvas
11x14x1.5in, C$275
Oil on wood panel
My teenage son
My teenage son
10x8in, C$275
Oil on canvas
In memory of my mom
In memory of my mom
16x12in, Not For Sale
Acrylic and oil