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Marina Wright

Nanaimo, British Columbia

Marina is an acrylic painter from Nanaimo, BC. Painting is a quiet passion for Marina. The potential to improve and explore more subject matter is a huge motivator.

Marina’s favourite subjects involve places she has visited, especially those she has consistently returned to throughout her life – the local gulf islands and forests of Vancouver Island. She has a background in biological sciences and is always interested to learn more about local ecosystems. Marina deeply appreciates the species and natural landscapes of her home and loves to feature them in her paintings.

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Bonsai Mountain
Bonsai Mountain
18x24in, C$790
acrylic on canvas
Nanaimo Estuary
Nanaimo Estuary
12x16in, Sold
acrylic on canvas
16x12in, Sold
acrylic on canvas
Cedar in the Snow
Cedar in the Snow
12x12in, Not For Sale
Acrylic on Canvas
Above the Arctic Circle
Above the Arctic Circle
18x24in, C$830
acrylic on canvas
Winter is Coming
Winter is Coming
20x16in, C$485
acrylic on canvas