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Kam Sing Leung 梁金城

Vancouver, British Columbia

Through drawing, painting and photography, Kam Sing explores the form and content of the natural and the built environments as well as the abstract structures of art, science and mathematics. After graduating from the University of Hong Kong with an architectural degree (B.Arch. 1985), Kam Sing had worked as an architect in Hong Kong for over a decade before moving to Canada, where he studied philosophy at Simon Fraser University (Ph.D. 2008) and visual art at Emily Carr University of Art + Design (Advanced Study Certificate Program in Painting, 2016). He is a current member of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects and the American Philosophical Association.
To be creative is to work incessantly with an inquisitive mind, for if we are sincere in our pursuit, a new world will open up for us.

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Drawing as an Athletic Performance
Drawing as an Athletic Performance
24x18in, C$500
Charcoal on paper
Unspecific Forms
Unspecific Forms
17x14in, C$450
Charcoal on paper
Two Tonal Studies
Two Tonal Studies
11x14in, C$250
Acrylic on paper
11x14in, C$250
Charcoal on paper
Encounter (Graham)
Encounter (Graham)
14x11in, C$250
Graphite on paper
Encounter (Ricky)
Encounter (Ricky)
14x11in, C$250
Graphite on paper
Quotidian Object (Vase)
Quotidian Object (Vase)
17x14in, Sold
Charcoal on paper
Improvisation on the clarinet
Improvisation on the clarinet
12x5.5in, Sold
Pen and ink on paper