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Teresa Durand


Teresa lives in Grande Prairie, Alberta and is an educator and professional artist who uses a variety of mediums such as monoprint, watercolor and acrylic to portray conceptual and expressive work based primarily on natural themes.
She graduated with a Bachelor of Education majoring in Fine Arts from the University of Alberta. She has experienced the richness of teaching art to every age group in a number of communities throughout northern Alberta throughout her thirty-five plus year career. Teresa has recently retired and is focusing on developing her own practice.
Several of her works have been included in exhibitions including TREX, juried art shows, and can be found in private collections throughout Alberta, Manitoba and the Northwest Territories.
I believe everyone has a creative aspect within themselves to be developed.

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Gilded Leaves
Gilded Leaves
5.75x7.75in, Not For Sale
Gold leaf and acrylics on hardboard
Forest Metallics
Forest Metallics
8x10in, C$200
mixed media on watercolor paper
A Well-Lived Life
A Well-Lived Life
8x7in, C$200
watercolor, gouache,
acrylic and mediums