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Jose L. De Juan

Vancouver, British Columbia

Jose L. De Juan is an avid plein artist always on the lookout for that lighting situation that stops him on his tracks. Could be anything, really: from a shadow falling just-so to an urban canyon. Inspired by his countryman Sorolla, he chases light and a loose brushstroke that looks like paint but holds ideas . Sometimes he even lets the brush roam his tiny studio. He tries to resist the picturesque or sentimental but what can you do, art has to reflect the light within rather than lick every corner clean of mystery. He loves the sensuality of oil and the ambiguity of watercolor.
"The dust of destroyed belief should make a nice sunset."

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Making Pasta
Making Pasta
12x12in, C$800
Kitsilano Beach
Kitsilano Beach
10x20in, Sold
oil on canvas
Marine Building
Marine Building
12x9in, C$750
oil on canvas
12x9in, C$750
oil on canvas board
Wreck Beach Nudes"
Wreck Beach Nudes"
12x24in, C$1,200
oil on board
Kits Beach Crowds
Kits Beach Crowds
10x20in, Sold
oil on board
Kitsilano Summer
Kitsilano Summer
9x12in, Sold
oil on board
Choppy coast
Choppy coast
9x12in, Sold
oil on board
Granville and Broadway
Granville and Broadway
8x10in, Sold
oil on board
8x10in, C$250
oil on board
Turnstall bay picnic
Turnstall bay picnic
9x12in, Sold
oil on board
9x12in, Sold
oil on board
"Ciggy Break"
"Ciggy Break"
35x24in, Sold
oil on canvas
"Smelling the lilacs"
"Smelling the lilacs"
8x10in, Sold
Oil on canvas board
St Paul. North Vancouver
St Paul. North Vancouver
10x8in, Not For Sale
oil on canavas board
Summer Kites
Summer Kites
8x10in, Not For Sale
oil on canvas
Seaspan Docks
Seaspan Docks
12x9in, Not For Sale
oil on board
"Point Grey Gables"
"Point Grey Gables"
12x16in, Not For Sale
oil on board
"Second Beach with children"
"Second Beach with children"
12x16in, C$850
oil on board
Horseshoe Bay
Horseshoe Bay
8x10in, Sold
oil on canvas
Rice Lake
Rice Lake
10x8in, Not For Sale
oil on canvas board
Kitsilano Community Garden
Kitsilano Community Garden
12x16in, Not For Sale
Provocation of summer. Kits beach
Provocation of summer. Kits beach
16x12in, Not For Sale