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Donna Bier

Lethbridge, Alberta

Painting and drawing is a intuitive process for me. Rarely do I use photos for any reason other than a resource. I start every piece of work with line and colour with ideas of feeling or movement or both. From there the evolution begins and I can easily work on a piece for years before I recognize it as complete. I use only primary colours and love that freedom. I love sky and living in Alberta as that combination of 95 percent sky and prairie is happiness to my eyes. Art is my curse and my love.
Intuitive expression is my creative force.

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Collection: prairie perspectives

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14x11x1in, C$275
Oil on board
Yuma El Prada Fields
Yuma El Prada Fields
11x14in, C$375
Acrylic on Canvas
Escape #3
Escape #3
10x8in, C$275
Graphite on paper
Care #4
Care #4
12x9in, C$275
Varnished Graphite on paper
Ode to Spring, dreams
Ode to Spring, dreams
20x16in, Sold
Acrylic on Canvas
Girls Nite Out
Girls Nite Out
20.5x16.5in, C$1,025
acrylic on canvas
Picture Perfect
Picture Perfect
20x20x1.5in, C$350
Acrylic and oil on Canvas
Morning Chores
Morning Chores
16x12x1.5in, C$250
Acrylic on Canvas
Prairie Crossing
Prairie Crossing
20x36in, C$750
Oil on Gallery canvas
Live like Someone left the gate open
Live like Someone left the gate open
20x36in, C$850
Oil on Gallery canvas
Coming Home
Coming Home
24x36x1.5in, C$1,250
oil on canvas
Going Home-Prairie Perspectives
Going Home-Prairie Perspectives
24x36in, C$1,250
oil on canvas
Canola And Wind
Canola And Wind
24x30in, C$750
Oil on Gallery canvas
On the Edge
On the Edge
24x30in, C$750
Oil on Gallery canvas
Night Landing
Night Landing
24x24in, C$750
Oil on Canvas
Sheets are Dry!
Sheets are Dry!
10x10in, C$175
oil on canvas
My Buddy
My Buddy
30x20in, Sold
oil on canvas
Barred Owl -2
Barred Owl -2
20x18in, C$750
Oil on canvas
Quarter horse mare with colt
Quarter horse mare with colt
36x46in, C$1,250
Oil on canvas
Kit Kite
Kit Kite
30x24in, Sold
Oil on canvas
Barred Owl
Barred Owl
24x18in, C$750
Oil on canvas
The Owl's Dinner
The Owl's Dinner
28x36in, C$1,250
Oil and acrylic on canvas