Pierre Luigi Vassura
Richmond, British Columbia
Vassura is an artisan who takes, presses, condenses, develops, re-creates and re-arranges the memory, making it his own, bringing it to the present and pushing it to the future. His works are analogies of everything that inspires him, which he recreates in his style “Analogical Formalism.” For Vassura art is construction, he builds with already used means, he develops analogies, creating combinations without limits. Forms and colours are the essence of his artistic expression. His works have an imaginary point, analogically centered where lines, surfaces and masses are perfectly arranged. The essence is not only in the artistic value but in the organization of the forms who are in existence before, during and after the artistic event.
Visual and three dimensional arts are the oldest ways of human expression and to quote Sir. Herbert Read “art is most simply and most usually defined as an attempt to organize pleasing forms.”