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Darrell Windjack SFCA

Edmonton, Alberta

Artist Name: Darrell Windjack

Darrell was raised and continues to reside in the beautiful province of Alberta, Canada. He drew at a very young age the typical things kids do such as copies of cartoons in the newspaper and such. Some thirty years later his art career recently and quite accidentally came back to life. After working in the business world he found myself with some free time to ‘stretch’ the right side of his brain, particularly in music and art. After exploring the world of piano playing (A professional classical pianist he shall never be!) Darrell decided to tackle drawing once again. He dusted off his pencils and discovered a suppressed aptitude for art. With gusto he jumped back in and has never looked back. He’s a self taught artist motivated and influenced by the styles and work ethic of the masters whose works hang on the decorated walls of galleries and museums he has visited worldwide, a highlight of any trip. His work has been shown locally in a number of group exhibits including Lotus Gallery, Harcourt House & Renaissance Edmonton Airport Hotel. He is a proud member of the Colored Pencil Society of America.

Darrell’s work studio is quite simple, a small easel on a kitchen table with classical music streaming from the radio. Here he delves into the world depicted in his latest work. The subject matter is drawn from images experienced through travel, local hikes or domestic scenes within the confines of home. He is naturally drawn to urban landscapes, sculpture and still life scenes full of structure and angles; however, he’s recently ventured into natural landscapes. Darrell’s artistic style of choice is drawing with coloured pencil and ink, and sometimes a touch of acrylic. He strives for illusionistic realism. His goal first is to grab the viewers’ attention through bright, vibrant colours, then hopefully lead them towards an emotional connection with their own life experience.

Darrell strives for each work to be unique and identifiable through style and presentation. An observer once described his pieces as gem-like, almost stained glass in effect. That sounds good to him! He hopes you enjoy his paintings as he continues to explore the wonderful world of art.

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Ladies Who Lunch
Ladies Who Lunch
17x15.5in, C$575
Coloured Pencil on Paper
Summer Vibes
Summer Vibes
12.75x19.5in, C$450
Coloured Pencil on Paper
Guarded Beauty
Guarded Beauty
15.5x19.5in, C$500
Coloured Pencil on Paper
Fire in the Sky
Fire in the Sky
19.5x15.5in, C$475
Coloured pencil on Paper
All Aboard!
All Aboard!
13x16in, C$495
Coloured Pencil on Paper
The Mighty Grand
The Mighty Grand
11x16in, C$550
Coloured Pencil on Paper
Sitting Pretty
Sitting Pretty
16x14in, C$600
Coloured Pencil on Paper
Bird's-Eye View
Bird's-Eye View
14x17in, C$475
Coloured Pencil on Paper
Spellbound at Fort Edmonton
Spellbound at Fort Edmonton
10x12in, C$600
Coloured Pencil on Paper
Autumn 1981
Autumn 1981
12x17in, Sold
Pencil on paper
March of the Purple Alliums
March of the Purple Alliums
14x17in, Sold
Dry Media (Pencil) on Paper
Garden Delight
Garden Delight
14x17in, Sold
Pencil on Paper
Cape Code Solitude
Cape Code Solitude
14x17in, Sold
Pencil and Ink on Paper
Orange Burst
Orange Burst
13x17in, Sold
Pencil and Acrylic on Paper
Penned In
Penned In
9.5x17in, Sold
Coloured Pencil on Paper
Call of the Wild
Call of the Wild
17x14in, C$495
Coloured Pencil &
Ink on paper
Gracious Burden
Gracious Burden
17x14in, C$475
Coloured Pencil &
Ink on paper
River's Canopy
River's Canopy
14x14in, Sold
Coloured Pencil on paper
17x14in, Sold
Coloured pencil on paper
Winter Shadows
Winter Shadows
14x17in, Sold
Pencil & ink on paper
Window Shopping
Window Shopping
14x17in, Sold
Pencil on paper
Still Waters
Still Waters
13x17in, Sold
Pencil on paper
Patio Chairs
Patio Chairs
14x17in, C$475
Pencil & ink on paper