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Jane McDougall, SFCA

Jane McDougall, an ECUAD graduate, is a potter-turned-painter back to potter! Inspired by nature and fueled by curiosity, she creates textured and colorful artworks in her backyard studio. Jane's intuitive approach to her materials is evident in her layered, painted, and sanded compositions. Recently awarded SFCA status by the Federation of Canadian Artists, Jane also serves as a juror for the Federation Gallery, embracing her role in the art community.





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123 abc
123 abc
24x24x1.5in, C$900
Mixed Media on Panel board
Block Party
Block Party
12x12x1.5in, C$350
Mixed media on wrapped canvas
Checks and Balance
Checks and Balance
16x16x1.5in, C$425
Mixed Media on Panel board
Fine Balance
Fine Balance
24x24x1.5in, C$900
Mixed Media on Panel Board
Sea of Change
Sea of Change
16x16x1.5in, C$425
Mixed Media on Panel board
Summer Trouble
Summer Trouble
12x12in, C$400
Mixed Media on Canvas
Tide Pool
Tide Pool
24x24x1.5in, C$900
Mixed Media on Panel board
Top of the World
Top of the World
12x12x1.5in, C$350
Mixed media on panel board. I use acrylic paint and paper
to build up layers on the board.