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Susannah Paranich

Vancouver, British Columbia

Susannah Paranich is a Canadian contemporary artist living in Vancouver, BC, currently working in acrylics on canvas, cradled wood panel or watercolour paper. Inspired by the beauty of nature, her creative process throughout the decades has included oils, watercolours, egg tempera, collage and acrylics expressing impressionism, realism, semi-abstraction and abstract expressionism. An award-winning artist, she has exhibited in many solo and group shows over the years and her paintings hang in numerous private and corporate collections. With a leaning towards abstraction, many paintings reflect coastal influences of water, skies, beaches, mountains, landscape, nature—sometimes invoking a sense of mystery, spirituality; intuitive painting drawing on the subconscious and including pure abstractions, abstract expressionism.
Art lends meaning and beauty to your life when you are open to it.

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