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Devon Ronner

Vancouver, British Columbia

I am a mixed media abstract artist, working in acrylic, charcoal and collage.

I paint from the inside out–– moving between an intuitive, emotional response to the materials, followed by thoughtful shaping of what emerges. I love texture and scrape, sand and scratch into the piece.
My art is infused with the natural world. Although I don't set out to paint landscapes, nature seeps in. I'm a gardener, hiker, a lover of trees and all things growing wild. That experience informs my art.
Looking at my paintings, your eye will glimpse what lies beneath––excavated layers hinting of mysteries. The elusiveness of memory and longing. The past bleeding into the present. The raw beauty of joy, grief and hope.

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After Overnight Rain
After Overnight Rain
7x5in, Sold
Acrylic, graphite on paper
MoonRise on Slow Waters
MoonRise on Slow Waters
24x36in, C$1,500
Acrylic, paper collage, pastel on canvas
You Create the Path by Walking
You Create the Path by Walking
21x24in, C$875
Acrylic, tailors chalk, graphite on paper
In the Eye of the Storm
In the Eye of the Storm
9x9.5in, Sold
Acrylic and ink on paper
20x16in, C$500
Mixed media, acrylic,
collage, graphite on canvas
Traces on the Bluff
Traces on the Bluff
17x13in, C$450
Acrylic, tailors chalk
and graphite on paper
Kimona of the Floating World
Kimona of the Floating World
24x18in, C$575
paint, paper and textile
collage on canvas